Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Day in the Life

So, I couldn't let this one pass:) Our beloved Calvin has become very musical of late. This morning (10 minutes ago), with chopstick in hand he began to sing and direct his own version of 'Called to Serve'. Here is it: "...awkward, ever awkward, as we glory in His way....duhm...duhm... duhm...' !!! (over and over again) How wise he is. It is awkward for us to glory in His way! Let's let Him have the glory:)


Dot said...

Gotta love it!

Maggie said...

Awesome, you have a blog :) Yea! I didn't know. Good job, Amy :) I think the last time I got to see you was 2005 when Hallie was born. We'll have to plan a future vacation together or something. Love the photos of your kids. Isn't it so fun to hear what they come up with for lyrics to songs !